Latest News

10 Mar 2025

St Patricks Day

01 Nov 2024

Gambling Awarness

For Gambling Awareness information click 'Read More'

22 Oct 2024

Mental Health Campaign

Help is available, and if someone is struggling or distressed it is important to let them know about the services that are available here in Northern Ireland. Both Lifeline 0808 808 8000 and Samaritans 116 123 are free, confidential and non-judgemental. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for people in crisis or despair, and for people who would like someone to speak to about their struggles.

07 Oct 2024

Year End

27 Sep 2024

Southern Area Hospice Services

We had Brian Hyland from Southern Area Hospice call into our office today to collect a donation on behalf of Armagh Credit Union.  Pictured are Brian Hyland from Southern Area Hospice and our Assistant Manager Anne-Marie McKenna

27 Aug 2024

Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials Plus ensures that Armagh Credit Union has implemented essential cybersecurity measures, reducing the risk of cyberattacks like malware, ransomware, and phishing. In an industry where data protection is critical, this certification can help build trust amongst members knowing that Armagh Credit Union are taking precautions and training on cyber security. Cyber Essentials Plus can also help in demonstrating compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR, we are one of several Credit Unions in Northern Ireland that has acquired this certification.

27 Aug 2024

Good News

In the last quarter (up to the end of June 2024) Armagh Credit Union have had one of our highest growths in loans at 19.29% In the month of July alone, we gave out almost £600,000 in loans to our members. If you are thinking about a loan why not call into our office or telephone us on 02837523681. You can also apply via our website

01 Aug 2024

Member feedback survey

We recently carried out a survey of our members, some of the feedback we received was as follows:  "Service they provide has been 1st class" "Staff always polite and friendly" "Excellent service from local staff" "I enjoy using the credit union, makes me feel safe"

04 Mar 2024

Debt Management Help

For debt management assistance please click 'Read More'


Our Insurance Products

Armagh Credit Union Ltd also offers various insurances for elgible members ranging from savings and loans as well as death benefit.

Loan Protection Insurance

Loan Protection Insurance is the insurance cover the Credit Union provides on the lives of its borrowing members.

Should an insured borrower die, or (under most contracts) become totally and permanently disabled for any occupation, the insurance cover provides that the loan is repaid in full. If a member who is eligible for insurance cover and has signed the promissory note dies with a loan outstanding, the loan balance is paid in full by the insurer.

You will be informed at the time of the loan application if your loan exceeds the amount covered by the credit unions policy. Under the basic policy death cover ceases on the members 70th birthday. Armagh CU has extended its policy to cover loans for members up to their 85th birthday. Disability cover however ceases on the eligible members 60th birthday.

Life Savings Insurance

Life Savings Insurance is the life insurance cover the Credit Union provides for its eligible members as an additional incentive for them to save regularly. The amount of insurance benefit to which a member is entitled is in proportion to the mount of savings the member has, and depends on the members age at date of lodgement.

Subject to a maximum benefit set by the Credit Union, every £1 you save before the age of 55 provides £1 of insurance. Once you are over the age of 55 each £1 you save with your credit union provides the following benefit:

  • £1 saved between ages 55-59 provides £0.75 insurance
  • £1 saved between ages 60-64 provides £0.50 insurance
  • £1 saved between ages 65-69 provides £0.25 insurance

No insurance is payable on amounts saved after your 70th Birthday.

Once earned, your insurance remains in force as long as you leave your savings in your credit union. Withdrawals may affect the amount payable.

A member is eligible for the insurance cover carried by the credit union if when they begin saving they are:

  • Under the age of 70
  • Actively at work, or if not working, in good health
Death Benefit Insurance

For a premium of £31.23 this year, which is automatically deduced from your dividend, you obtain Death Benefit Insurance of £2,500. This insurance is used to help pay the funeral expenses. The insurance is available to all members who joined the Credit Union before their 70th birthday, and are in good health at time of joining the scheme.

If you haven’t sufficient dividend to cover this premium, you can complete the appropriate form and pay the premium at the counter.