About Us
Our Story
Armagh Credit Union was founded in May 1962 in Handel House. By January 1963 £500 in savings had been accumulated and the first loans were issued to members. By the end of that year due to increased membership and a greater volume of business the Credit Union moved to Market Street.
The first manger was appointed in 1967 and the Credit Union purchased the old cinema in Russell Street from where it continues to operate its expanding business.
We now have over 10,000 members with a share capital in excess of £29 million and loans issued in excess of £9.4 million.
Meet the team

Kevin Powell

Justin Mallon

Anne Marie McKenna
Assistant Manager

Kiera McCormack
Senior Manager

Maeve Mullan
Senior Manager

Charlene Murphy
Credit Control

Grainne Graham
Senior Clerical Officer

Maeve Molloy

Niamh McCreanor
Senior Clerical Officer

Joanne Smith
Senior Clerical Officer

Aidan Murphy
Senior Clerical Officer
Common Bond
Membership is open to those over the age of 16 years of age who reside within the common bond.
Armagh City, Abbey Park, Aghamoat, Aghanore, Aghavilly, Allistragh, Annaclare, Annacramph, Annaghboy, Ardrea, Ballyinagalliagh, Ballyaghy, Ballyards, Ballybrannan, Ballybrocky, Ballybrolly, Ballycrummy, Ballydoo, Ballygasey, Ballygassoon, Ballyheridan, Ballyhoy,Ballymackilmurry, Ballymartrim, Ballymoran, Ballynahone Beg, Ballynahone More, Ballynick, Ballyrath, Ballyrea, Ballyscandal, Baltarran, Bracknagh, Cabragh, Calone, Carganamuck, Cavanacaw, Cloughfin, Creaghan, Creeveroe,Cullentragh, Drumadd, Drumart, Drumbee, Drumbee Beg, Drumbee More, Drumcarn, Drumconwell, Drumcoote, Drumgar, Drumilly, Drumman Beg,Drumman More, Drumogher, Drumsill, Edenaveys, Edenknappagh, Enagh, Ennisclare, Farmacaffley, Garvaghy, Grangemore, Greenan, Kennedies, Killeen, Killuney, Killycapple, Killylinn, Killynure, Kilmachugh, Knockaconey,Knockgraffy, Latmacollum, Lisadian, Lisbane, Lisbanoe, Lisdonwilly, Lisdown, Lislea, Lisnadil, Magherarville, Moneypatrick, Moneyquinn, Moneyree, Mullaghbane, Mullyloughran, Mullynure, Navan, Outlack, Salters Grange, Tamlaght, Teeraw, Terraskane, Tirearly, Tirgariff, Tirgarve, Tirnascobe, Tray, Tullgarron, Tullyards, Tullyelmer, Tullygoonigan, Tullyneagh, Tullynichol, Tullysaran, Tullywotgle, Turcarra and Tyross.